Doctor wins 2017 John Maddox prize for countering HPV vaccine misinformation
30 November, 2017
Doctor wins 2017 John Maddox prize for countering HPV vaccine misinformation
Doctor wins 2017 John Maddox prize for countering HPV vaccine misinformation
ALIVE INSIDE: Among the thousands labeled as being in a vegetative state in the U.S., more than 40 percent are likely conscious, aware on some level, but unable to show it
ALIVE INSIDE: Among the thousands labeled as being in a vegetative state in the U.S., more than 40 percent are likely conscious, aware on some level, but unable to show it
A controversial new study claims that 'smartphone addiction' changes chemicals in our brain, leading to imbalanced brain chemistry and psychological consequences.

A controversial new study claims that 'smartphone addiction' changes chemicals in our brain, leading to imbalanced brain chemistry and psychological consequences.
Hundreds of fossil pterosaur eggs more than 100 million years old found in China—by far the most ever discovered

Hundreds of fossil pterosaur eggs more than 100 million years old found in China—by far the most ever discovered
People Who Never Marry Have a 42% Higher Risk of Developing Dementia
People Who Never Marry Have a 42% Higher Risk of Developing Dementia
New study finds that most redditors don’t actually read the articles they vote on.

New study finds that most redditors don’t actually read the articles they vote on.
New York City Has Genetically Distinct ‘Uptown’ and ‘Downtown’ Rats - "A graduate student sequenced rats all over Manhattan, and discovered how the city affects their genetic diversity."

New York City Has Genetically Distinct ‘Uptown’ and ‘Downtown’ Rats - "A graduate student sequenced rats all over Manhattan, and discovered how the city affects their genetic diversity."
I am James F. Dempsey, Ph.D., Nucl. Chem., developer of new weapons to fight cancer. My team solved “impossible” problems for treating cancer with radiation - while clearly seeing inside the patient - with a linear accelerator inside an MRI scanner, AMA!

The radiation treatment field has invested a lot of research into making better dose distributions and delivering accurately to patients. Many advances have been made in tracking breathing motion, surgically implanting marker or gels in the body, placing balloons in orifices to immobilize tissues, using X-Ray flat-panels detectors to find markers or make “cone-beam” CTs. However, all of these approaches still do not see the actual organs and tumor in real time as they move in the body during therapy. I founded ViewRay to solve this problem. MRI scanners provide the best soft tissue visual clarity of patients organs but they are not compatible with radiotherapy accelerators. People spent decades unsuccessfully trying to combine an MRI and a Radiation beam into a single, effective medically usefully device available to treat patients. In a sense, the MRI scanner and the accelerate do not like each other. The magnetic field generated by the MRI scanner can prevent the accelerator from operating and the accelerator uses radar technology and makes radiofrequency noise that can prevent the MRI from scanning clear images.
So, we took a superconducting MRI and we split it in half opening it up, leaving the imaging volume floating in the middle where we could shoot in radiation beams while scanning. We created magnetic sleeves that could create voids in the magnetic field to protect the accelerator. Then we borrowed ideas from stealth aircraft to absorb the radiofrequency noise and eliminate it. Finally, we developed advanced software to compute and optimize dose, as well as, track tissues with real-time MRI video . This allows us to optimize, reshape, and track moving tissues so we do not miss, which is important to eradicate the tumor and spare healthy tissues. What we call the MRIdian® Linac system was FDA cleared in February of 2017. The MRIdian® an earlier generation system has been treating patients for over 3.5 years and data published at ASTRO 2017 showed significant early results in treating pancreatic cancer, known to be one of the most difficult cancers to effectively treat.
I'll be back at 1 pm ET to answer your questions, Ask Me Anything.
The first study to compare ancient and living female bones shows that women from early agricultural eras had stronger arms than the rowers of Cambridge University’s famously competitive boat club
The first study to compare ancient and living female bones shows that women from early agricultural eras had stronger arms than the rowers of Cambridge University’s famously competitive boat club
Trophy hunting removes 'good genes' and raises extinction risk - Research predicts that removing even 5% of high-quality males risks wiping out the entire population for species under stress, finds new study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Trophy hunting removes 'good genes' and raises extinction risk - Research predicts that removing even 5% of high-quality males risks wiping out the entire population for species under stress, finds new study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
29 November, 2017
Tired of missing Science AMAs? Message u/ScienceAnnouncements to add your username to r/science's AMA Mailer!

We understand that in the busy list of reddit, both your home page and popular, it's often hard to see a newly posted AMA you might be interested in. As a solution, we've set up a reddit-based program to message you when an AMA is posted. You can even select just the subject areas you are interested in! We won't have access to any of your personal information with this, it's a rather simple program that only works within reddit, so your anonymous account stays anonymous, and anytime you want to cancel the messages a simple 'stop' reply will stop them.
To make it easy, we have these clickable links:
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Study finds 80% of publications from climate deniers, denying the impacts of AGW on polar bears, cite UVic zoologist Susan Crockford as a source of their arguments. Crockford has neither conducted any original research nor published any articles in the peer-reviewed literature on polar bears.

Study finds 80% of publications from climate deniers, denying the impacts of AGW on polar bears, cite UVic zoologist Susan Crockford as a source of their arguments. Crockford has neither conducted any original research nor published any articles in the peer-reviewed literature on polar bears.
Prehistoric women had stronger arms than modern-day competitive rowers, bone scans reveal.

Prehistoric women had stronger arms than modern-day competitive rowers, bone scans reveal.
Online trolls are most likely to be male and exhibit higher levels of psychopathy and sadism

Online trolls are most likely to be male and exhibit higher levels of psychopathy and sadism
Poo Pills Are Becoming Our Answer to Dangerous Superbug Infections
Poo Pills Are Becoming Our Answer to Dangerous Superbug Infections
Evolution sometimes forces two species to survive together. Researchers have discovered that a beetle has outsourced a key metabolic function to a bacterium in its gut, while the bacterium has lost most of its genes and evolved one of the world's tiniest known genomes.

Evolution sometimes forces two species to survive together. Researchers have discovered that a beetle has outsourced a key metabolic function to a bacterium in its gut, while the bacterium has lost most of its genes and evolved one of the world's tiniest known genomes.
There may have been no Big Bang; we could be living in a bouncy Universe

There may have been no Big Bang; we could be living in a bouncy Universe
Fully Functioning Artificial Human Heart Muscle Developed

Fully Functioning Artificial Human Heart Muscle Developed
Women overweight or obese prior to getting pregnant were more likely to have a child who is autistic or with behavioral problems, according to a new review by a team of researchers from Duke University Medical Center and Virginia Commonwealth University.

Women overweight or obese prior to getting pregnant were more likely to have a child who is autistic or with behavioral problems, according to a new review by a team of researchers from Duke University Medical Center and Virginia Commonwealth University.
The largest peer-reviewed study of its kind with an international team of 65 scientists studied the genomes of more than 100,000 individuals and found that a genetic predisposition towards higher cognitive ability was associated with longer lifespan.

The largest peer-reviewed study of its kind with an international team of 65 scientists studied the genomes of more than 100,000 individuals and found that a genetic predisposition towards higher cognitive ability was associated with longer lifespan.
A study suggests that our personal awareness does not create, cause or choose our beliefs, feelings or perceptions. Instead, the contents of consciousness are generated "behind the scenes" by fast, efficient, non-conscious systems in our brains.

Belief in our moral superiority is the most irrational self-enhancing bias of all according to a new study. We are especially irrational when it comes to evaluating moral traits. Moral superiority appears to be “a uniquely strong and prevalent form of positive illusion

Belief in our moral superiority is the most irrational self-enhancing bias of all according to a new study. We are especially irrational when it comes to evaluating moral traits. Moral superiority appears to be “a uniquely strong and prevalent form of positive illusion
DNA sampling exposes nine 'yeti specimens' as eight bears and a dog
DNA sampling exposes nine 'yeti specimens' as eight bears and a dog
PLOS Science Wednesday: Hi reddit, we’re Nathan and Stacey, and we published a case study of a patient whose HIV was undetectable and may have been cured after allogeneic stem cell treatment – Ask Us Anything!

Hi Reddit,
My name is Nathan Cummins, and I am the Research Chair in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Mayo Clinic Rochester. My research focuses on studying how HIV prevents cell death in some cells that it infects, and repurposing drugs to modify those effects. And my name is Stacey Rizza and I am the Chair of the HIV Clinic at Mayo Clinic, Rochester. My work focuses on HIV and solid organ and stem cell transplantation.
We recently published a paper titled “Extensive virological and immunological characterization in an HIV-infected individual following allogeneic stem cell transplant and analytic cessation of antiretroviral therapy: a case study” in PLOS Medicine. This manuscript examined the immunologic and virologic changes that occurred in a patient with chronic HIV infection who was diagnosed with ALL, and who underwent Allo-PBSCT. We found that the amount of HIV that was present in this patient was reduced to undetectable levels, and that his serologic tests for HIV were reverting to negative, suggesting that he may have been cured from HIV infection. Ultimately, we stopped his HIV therapy, and observed no HIV rebound for 288 days following treatment interruption, when a viral species that was unrelated to his pre-transplant virus rebounded.
We will be answering your questions at 1pm ET -- Ask me Anything!
Babies Who Get More Cuddles Have Their Genetics Changed For Years, Study Shows

Babies Who Get More Cuddles Have Their Genetics Changed For Years, Study Shows
Hair Loss Treatment Coming? New agent not only prevents hair loss but actually promotes the growth of new hair, and when applied to the bare skin of mice for a period of 28 days, led to the growth of new hair follicles, as reported in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
Hair Loss Treatment Coming? New agent not only prevents hair loss but actually promotes the growth of new hair, and when applied to the bare skin of mice for a period of 28 days, led to the growth of new hair follicles, as reported in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
28 November, 2017
Men have unwanted sex with women in order to conform to gender expectations and to avoid uncomfortable interactions finds new research by an NYU sociologist.
Men have unwanted sex with women in order to conform to gender expectations and to avoid uncomfortable interactions finds new research by an NYU sociologist.
About half of hydraulically fractured wells exist within 2 to 3 kilometers of domestic groundwater systems. The EPA regulations that protect public drinking water systems don't apply to privately owned wells, leaving owners responsible for ensuring their water is safe from contaminants.

About half of hydraulically fractured wells exist within 2 to 3 kilometers of domestic groundwater systems. The EPA regulations that protect public drinking water systems don't apply to privately owned wells, leaving owners responsible for ensuring their water is safe from contaminants.
When you shift your attention from one thing to another, your brain “blinks” between focusing on the two things. The blinks are short unconscious gaps in visual perception and came as a surprise to the team of psychologists who discovered the phenomenon while studying the benefits of attention.

When you shift your attention from one thing to another, your brain “blinks” between focusing on the two things. The blinks are short unconscious gaps in visual perception and came as a surprise to the team of psychologists who discovered the phenomenon while studying the benefits of attention.
White men in economic distress find comfort in guns as a means to reestablish a sense of individual power and moral certitude.
White men in economic distress find comfort in guns as a means to reestablish a sense of individual power and moral certitude.
Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds through electrodes implanted in the brain, as reported by neuroscientists using rhesus monkeys in Nature Communications.

Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds through electrodes implanted in the brain, as reported by neuroscientists using rhesus monkeys in Nature Communications.
Opening windows and doors before going to bed can reduce carbon dioxide levels in bedrooms and improve sleep quality, according to new research

Opening windows and doors before going to bed can reduce carbon dioxide levels in bedrooms and improve sleep quality, according to new research
Hi Reddit, I am Terri Woods of East Carolina University. Ask me anything about the aqueous geochemistry and/or using augmented reality to teach surface geology!

Hi Reddit, I’m Terri Woods! I am an Associate Professor of Geological Sciences at East Carolina University (ECU). In 1971 I entered the University of Delaware with the goal of teaching high-school Spanish. Instead I became fascinated by how things work in the geological world and changed my major. While working on an MS at Arizona, I worked for the Anaconda Copper Company in Tucson and did mineral exploration with them in Montana. My thesis involved microprobe and fluid-inclusion work on a garnet skarn. I interviewed with mining/oil companies but got turned off by comments from interviewers such as; “We are looking for a few good gals”.
Luckily, I got another offer from the USGS in Reston, Virginia to work on the epithermal sulfide deposit at Creede, Colorado. I worked there for 3 years but my husband and I got tired of the DC area and went cruising on our 43-foot wooden sailboat. We ran out of money in St. Petersburg, Florida at a time when geology employment was hard to come by so I worked minimum-wage jobs until Bob Garrels (USF-Marine Science) asked me to run his lab. For the next 5 years I helped Bob with projects such as copper corrosion in sulfate, carbonate and chloride solutions; water chemistry in equilibrium with Australian BIF; C and S cycling through geological time, and compilation of thermodynamic data. I got my Ph.D. in 1988.
That fall I started as a faculty member at ECU. I did lab work on copper corrosion, but students were into hydro-environmental studies so I began investigating the chemistry of water from local aquifers. That research continues, but I have also worked on the impact of reverse-osmosis brine discharge into Albemarle Sound, chemistry of nearby streams, and petrology of aquifer materials. I’ve devoted a lot of time to science outreach. Most recently, I have investigated a technology that helps people understand surficial processes and topographic maps - the Augmented Reality Sandbox: short demo video longer educational video This past spring (2017), I was happy to serve as the scientific consultant for the ACS Reactions video “Why is the Statue of Liberty Green?”
So, Reddit, ask me anything about aqueous geochemistry, copper corrosion, or using augmented reality to teach surface geology.
I’ll be back to start answering your questions at 12pm EST (9am PST; 5pm UTC).
Scarlet fever hit its highest level in England for 50 years, with more than 17,000 cases reported in 2016 - research in the Lancet shows.

Scarlet fever hit its highest level in England for 50 years, with more than 17,000 cases reported in 2016 - research in the Lancet shows.
Scientists identify protein linked with memory formation
Scientists identify protein linked with memory formation
Study shows that sheep have a wide range of emotional expressions and are able to distinguish the valence – the negative or neutral facial expression - in the expression displayed by other sheep.
Study shows that sheep have a wide range of emotional expressions and are able to distinguish the valence – the negative or neutral facial expression - in the expression displayed by other sheep.
There's a Scientific Reason to Speak, Not Write, to Those Who Disagree With You
There's a Scientific Reason to Speak, Not Write, to Those Who Disagree With You
27 November, 2017
Our personalities are shaped by the climate we grew up in, new study says.
Our personalities are shaped by the climate we grew up in, new study says.
Scientists have observed the evolution of an entirely new species, in the wild, and in real time.
Scientists have observed the evolution of an entirely new species, in the wild, and in real time.
A new study finds that changing the prices of seven foods by 10% could reduce deaths due to stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease by 23,000 a year and address health disparities in the United States

A new study finds that changing the prices of seven foods by 10% could reduce deaths due to stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease by 23,000 a year and address health disparities in the United States
New research shows that chronic stress suppresses the immune system's response to cancer, reducing the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatments. Scientists say they are investigating dual therapies for patients to reduce stress signalling and improve their response to treatments.
New research shows that chronic stress suppresses the immune system's response to cancer, reducing the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatments. Scientists say they are investigating dual therapies for patients to reduce stress signalling and improve their response to treatments.
Hyper-masculine men may be more likely to take part in pain research and it could be skewing our understanding of how women and men experience pain differently

Hyper-masculine men may be more likely to take part in pain research and it could be skewing our understanding of how women and men experience pain differently
A team of researchers suggests that fracking is the only possible cause of a recent uptick in earthquakes around the Fort Worth area.
A team of researchers suggests that fracking is the only possible cause of a recent uptick in earthquakes around the Fort Worth area.
Science AMA Series: We’re NASA space communications engineers working on technology for the interplanetary internet – Ask Us Anything!

Hi, we're NASA engineers working on space communications technologies that will help create an interplanetary internet. When data travels vast distances like the 30+ million miles to Mars, the potential for delay or disruption is significant! Network disruption in space can happen because of limited contact time and atmospheric effects. NASA communications technology called 'disruption-tolerant networking' (DTN) allows for temporary disruptions and long delays, unlike the familiar computer to computer IP connection. DTN can also provide tremendous benefits to missions closer to Earth and terrestrial applications. That's what we're working on, and it has the potential to improve data transmission for virtually all of NASA's missions.
We are:
Vint Cerf, Distinguished Visiting Scientist, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dave Israel, Exploration and Space Communications Architect, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Adam Schlesinger, Technical Lead, Advanced Exploration Systems Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking Project, NASA’s Johnson Space Center
Scott Burleigh, Principal Engineer, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Kelvin Nichols, International Space Station ground systems engineer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
Dr. Keith Scott, The MITRE Corporation
For more information on disruption-tolerant networking, visit: Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @NASA_TDRS, @NASALasercomm and @NASASCaN!
Physicists from MIT designed a pocket-sized cosmic ray muon detector that costs just $100 to make using common electrical parts, and when turned on, lights up and counts each time a muon passes through. The design is published in the American Journal of Physics.

Physicists from MIT designed a pocket-sized cosmic ray muon detector that costs just $100 to make using common electrical parts, and when turned on, lights up and counts each time a muon passes through. The design is published in the American Journal of Physics.