31 August, 2018

Adopting Mediterranean diet in old age can prolong life, study suggests. (n=5,200 aged 65 and over)

Scientists discover how to convert type A and B blood into universal donor type O

Moving back breakfast and dinner time can have profound effects on the way your body processes meals, akin to the effects of intermittent fasting. Subjects who were able to stick to the schedule reduced overall body fat by the end of the ten weeks by an average of 1.9 percent.

A species of fish has passed the mirror test for the first time

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A species of fish has passed the mirror test for the first time

Eating in 10-hour window can override disease-causing genetic defects, nurture health - Salk scientists discover that periods of fasting can protect against obesity and diabetes, in a new study in mice published in Cell Metabolism.

In the US, the percentage of HIV patients who have achieved viral suppression has tripled over the 18 year period between 1997 and 2015, according to a new study.

No Ecosystem on Earth Is Safe From Climate Change - the changes of the next 200 years could equal—and may likely exceed—those seen over the 10,000 years that ended the last Ice Age.

Wearable tech has enabled a real-time, objective look into health problems facing medical residents. They lost roughly 2 hours and 48 minutes of sleep per night and saw an 11.5 percent decrease in physical activity and a 7.5 percent decrease in mood rating after starting the program.

Global Warming Means More Insects Threatening Food Crops — A Lot More, Study Warns | the rise in insect pest activity would increase wheat yield losses by a median of 46 percent, corn by 31 percent, and rice by 19 percent.

Physics theory used to predict crowd behavior - Researchers developed a highly accurate mathematical approach to predict the behavior of crowds of living creatures, using Nobel Prize-winning methods originally developed to study large collections of quantum mechanically interacting electrons.

Researchers have found among the first and perhaps only hard evidence that simple protein catalysts—essential for cells, the building blocks of life, to function—may have existed when life began

Religion can provide a sense of increased purpose in life for people who are socially disconnected, finds a new study (N = 19,775).

IT jobs outpace most other jobs in productivity and growth since 2004. Jobs in IT, like computer software, big data, and cybersecurity, are providing American workers with long-lasting financial stability, suggests a new study.

Newly discovered hybrid pythons are threatening Florida’s wildlife: A new study has found that some invasive Burmese pythons carry DNA from another snake, which could make them more adaptable—and more dangerous.

Physicists Just Made the Most Precise Measurement Ever of Gravity's Strength

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Physicists Just Made the Most Precise Measurement Ever of Gravity's Strength

Playing video games that involve physical exertion (exergaming) can improve executive function in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), suggests a new study.

Scientists Test an Experimental Painkiller That's More Powerful Than Morphine But Non-Addictive.

Exotic amphibians and reptiles sold inexpensively as pets are more likely to end up in the wild, where they can pose problems for native wildlife. Many pet owners may not fully understand the responsibility of owning these animals, some of which can grow to large sizes and live for decades.

A new study has found evidence that playing video games that involve physical exertion (exergaming) can improve executive function in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

30 August, 2018

Cannabidiol showed sustained effects against depression for 7 days in rats, helps repair the neuronal circuitry that gets damaged in depression.

A single dose of cannabidiol in rats with symptoms of depression eliminated the symptoms on the same day and maintained the beneficial effects for 7 days, finds a new study.

Scientists for the first time used CRISPR gene editing to halt the progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in dogs. It is seen as a major step toward a clinical trial, as published in Science.

Optimism can change brain volume, providing protection against emotional distress, study finds. The results support the hypothesis that personality traits and brain volume help protect against symptoms of anxiety - 'We can change the volume of the brain through experience and training.'

The “Take a Knee” movement in the NFL was galvanised by media comments. A study has found that specific national events increased the number of player protests, especially when it seemed that efforts were being made to discredit protesting players.

A new study found that a single dose of cannabidiol in rats with symptoms of depression was highly effective, eliminating the symptoms on the same day and maintaining the beneficial effects for a week.

Injecting wastewater underground, as often done at fracking sites, can cause earthquakes up to 10 kilometers away, according to analysis of 18 sites

Long-sought decay of Higgs boson observed

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Long-sought decay of Higgs boson observed

The first FDA-approved autonomous AI diagnostic system works without assistance from doctors. In a study, the technology diagnosed diabetic retinopathy with 87% sensitivity, surpassing preset benchmarks and the doctor average of 73%.

Parasitic Vines That Feed on Parasitic Wasps That Feed on Trees

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Parasitic Vines That Feed on Parasitic Wasps That Feed on Trees

Polymer antibodies efficiently target and eliminate cancer cells

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Polymer antibodies efficiently target and eliminate cancer cells

Frequent sex may have cognitive benefits - A new study suggests that sexually active older adults perform better on memory tasks (N = 6,016). Participants who had sex more often had better performance on the memory test.

Scientists calculate deadline for climate action and say the world is approaching a "point of no return" to limit global warming

Similar to “inattentional blindness” shown by the “invisible gorilla” study, a new study has shown that a very similar effect occurs in relation to touch, or “inattentional numbness”, so that if someone taps us on the shoulder, we may be less likely to notice their other hand going into our pocket.

Bumblebees acquire a taste for pesticide-laced food as they become more exposed to it, a behavior showing possible symptoms of addiction

Rising CO2 levels could push ‘hundreds of millions’ into malnutrition by 2050

Teen dating violence is down, but boys still report more violence than girls - When it comes to teen dating violence, boys are more likely to report being the victim of violence—being hit, slapped, or pushed—than girls, finds new research (n boys = 18,441 and n girls = 17,459).

29 August, 2018

Ketamine, A Promising Depression Treatment, Seems To Act Like An Opioid

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Ketamine, A Promising Depression Treatment, Seems To Act Like An Opioid

A single dose of the cannabis extract cannabidiol can help reduce brain function abnormalities seen in people with psychosis. Results from a new trial, published in JAMA Psychiatry, provide the first evidence of how cannabidiol acts in the brain to reduce psychotic symptoms.

Acne vaccine candidate 1st to target bacteria already in human skin - A new pre-clinical study in mice demonstrated for the first time that antibodies to a toxin secreted from bacteria in acne vulgaris can reduce inflammation in human acne lesions.

A newly developed pain relief compound, called AT121, appears to deliver more powerful pain relief than morphine, but without being accompanied by the feelings of euphoria that drive addiction

Scientists have developed a chemical compound which produces morphine-like analgesic effects but also suppresses the addictive effects produced by prescription opioids.

The world's first human trial uses Stem Cells to treat Parkinson's Diseases

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The world's first human trial uses Stem Cells to treat Parkinson's Diseases

Study finds that Americans disproportionately chose the years of their own youth as the country’s greatest years – no matter how old they were now. This finding is the latest involving a phenomenon known as the reminiscence bump.

New study shows that non-invasive detection of coronary inflammation using computed tomography can predict fatal heart attacks

In 2016, firearms killed approximately 251,000 people worldwide. More than half of those deaths occurred in just six countries. These statistics come courtesy of the first global tally of firearm deaths, which estimated numbers for 195 countries

Meta-analysis suggests low carbohydrate diets lead to increased death from any cause and that "Low carbohydrate diets are unsafe and should be avoided"

A new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease has been successfully tested in mice. It reduced the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain and blocked the toxic effects of amyloid β.

Scientists report that bumblebees who are exposed to the controversial neonicotinoids class of pesticides (banned in the EU, but popular worldwide), develop an increased affinity (addiction) towards such pesticide contaminated foods compared to uncontaminated foods

Researchers have fully 3D printed an image sensing array on a hemisphere, the first-of-its-kind prototype for a "bionic eye"

Nearly a third of US young adults in a new study (N = 3,050, 18–24 years) were found to be “financially precarious” because they had poor financial literacy and lacked money management skills and income stability.