Hi Reddit! I’m Dr. Stephen Gallo from the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). For over 300 years, scientists have been using peer review as a quality control mechanism for scientific work and, in the last century, for the distribution of grant research funds. Surprisingly, despite its widespread use, we know relatively little about the effectiveness of grant application peer review to determine the best science and how differences in procedures (e.g virtual versus onsite reviews) affect the outcome. Given its importance in the scientific process (particularly in who gets funding), it is crucial that we develop a “science of peer review” to ensure the most innovative, impactful science is moved forward.
AIBS is filling in this knowledge gap by 1) working with the academic research funding community to develop a “science of peer review” and 2) by disseminating ours and others research findings through peer-reviewed publications, social media, conference presentations, and a webinar series.
In analyses of data generated from peer reviews of grant applications that we have conducted, we have explored the effect of teleconferencing (now popular for environmental, efficiency and convenience reasons) on panel discussion and scoring. To promote transparency, we have documented the frequency and types of conflicts-of-interest that occur in review panels. To understand the effectiveness of peer review in promoting the best science, panel scoring and its relationship to grant productivity was examined.
There are many important questions that still require study, particularly in the areas of team science, decision-making psychology, behavioral economics and bibliometrics. We need the academic community to lend its expertise to help answer these questions.
The “Science of Peer Review” benefits the research enterprise, and all who enjoy the benefits of scientific discovery. We are excited to bring this message to reddit!
I will be back to answer your questions at 1 pm ET, please ask me anything!
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