27 March, 2017

Science AMA Series: Shaughnessy Naughton, founder of 314 Action and chemist and breast cancer researcher, to discuss why scientists should run for office, Ask Me Anything!

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Hi Reddit,

My name is Shaughnessy Naughton, and I am the founder of 314 Action (yes, named after Pi), a nonprofit that is committed to electing more scientists to public office and to raising the profile of science in public life. I ran for Congress in 2014 and quickly noticed the almost total absence of scientists and people with STEM backgrounds in Congress. I founded 314 Action to change that.

Science has been under attack by certain politicians and special interest groups who are often motivated by bottom lines rather than scientific facts. Following the election of a President who has called climate change a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese, as well as the appointments of like-minded people such as Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, and the flurry of subpoenas to scientists sent by Chairman of the House Science Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, it is becoming clear that ensuring that scientifically-versed representatives and pro-science advocates have a seat at the table is now more important than ever. One of the few ways the science community can ensure its government respects science is by stepping up to the plate - or supporting its members that do.

In January, we announced our candidate recruitment initiative called “STEM the Divide,” to recruit, train and support candidates with STEM backgrounds to run for public office at the Federal, state and local levels. Since that time, more than 3,000 scientists have signed up on our website. The response has been incredible, and we are gearing up to hold our first-ever live candidate training in Washington D.C. on April 20. I can personally attest to the fact that running for office with a STEM background has unique challenges, and our goal is to help STEM professionals navigate these waters.

I will be back at 1PM EST to answer your questions, so ask me anything!

Website: http://314action.org

Follow 314 Action on Twitter: http://twitter.com/314action

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/VoteShaughnessy

Like us on Facebook: http://ift.tt/2oozlgZ

">Science AMA Series: Shaughnessy Naughton, founder of 314 Action and chemist and breast cancer researcher, to discuss why scientists should run for office, Ask Me Anything!

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