30 September, 2017

Tired of missing Science AMAs? Message u/ScienceAnnouncements to add your username to r/science's AMA Mailer!

See the source article by following the link below:

We understand that in the busy list of reddit, both your home page and popular, it's often hard to see a newly posted AMA you might be interested in. As a solution, we've set up a reddit-based program to message you when an AMA is posted. You can even select just the subject areas you are interested in! We won't have access to any of your personal information with this, it's a rather simple program that only works within reddit, so your anonymous account stays anonymous, and anytime you want to cancel the messages a simple 'stop' reply will stop them.

To make it easy, we have these clickable links:





Individual Field Subscriptions

">Tired of missing Science AMAs? Message u/ScienceAnnouncements to add your username to r/science's AMA Mailer!

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