30 July, 2017

Science AMA Series: I'm Assa Auerbach, Professor of Physics at Technion. I wrote a graphic novel for the broad public, explaining the important concepts of Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics through the adventures of Maxwell's Demon. I’m here today to talk about it. AMA!

See the source article by following the link below:

Political leaders and their constituencies debate climate change, global warming, and the effects of pollution. Yet most of the public are totally unfamiliar with the basic, classical physics concepts behind these phenomena.

Thermodynamics is a heavy subject to learn and to teach - lots of multivariate functions, unclear definitions, and strange laws. So even science and engineering students are scared of heat, Entropy, and the second law.

Enter "Max the Demon vs Entropy of Doom", a super-hero graphic novel, based on the mythical Maxwell's Demon. I teamed up with my brother-in-law, the Brooklyn-based cartoonist Richard Codor, to create the book, which teaches Thermodynamics, Entropy, and the connection between Entropy and Information. The book teaches factual science in a fun way, in order to engage the broad public. I’m here to answer any questions about the science concepts themselves. Richard will join me, to tell about the brainstorming and interactions during the creative process.

You can visit our Kickstarter page to learn more about the project: http://ift.tt/2tRbLj5

">Science AMA Series: I'm Assa Auerbach, Professor of Physics at Technion. I wrote a graphic novel for the broad public, explaining the important concepts of Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics through the adventures of Maxwell's Demon. I’m here today to talk about it. AMA!

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