12 June, 2017

American Geophysical Union AMA: Hi Reddit, I’m Jill Trepanier, Assistant Professor of Geography at Louisiana State University (LSU), here to talk about the science and risk of hurricanes. Ask Me Anything!

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I am Jill Trepanier, Assistant Professor in the Geography and Anthropology Department at LSU. I’ve been at LSU for five years, and my area of expertise is the understanding of hurricane risk variability. I have been working in the area since 2007 and am fascinated with all things extreme weather. The types of questions I ask include why do hurricanes more frequently visit Louisiana compared to Tampa, Florida? Are we starting to see more severe hurricanes in a warmer climate? What changes happen to hurricanes when ocean temperatures rise? And what is the likelihood of extreme winds and deep storm surges at locations along a hurricane-prone coastline? Typically, I use statistics and maps to help answer my questions. And, as a geographer, I always make sure that the spatial element of the problem is included because, for me, differences across space are everything!

I'll be back at 12 pm ET to answer your questions, ask me anything!

The AGU AMA series is conducted by the Sharing Science program. Sharing Science: By scientists, for everyone. More at sharingscience.agu.org.

">American Geophysical Union AMA: Hi Reddit, I’m Jill Trepanier, Assistant Professor of Geography at Louisiana State University (LSU), here to talk about the science and risk of hurricanes. Ask Me Anything!

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