13 July, 2017

Science Ama Series: We are a team of researchers from the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham, UK, working on a 5 year program to enhance the quality of care planning in mental health services. AMA

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People who use mental health services wish to be involved in care planning, and despite being regarded as best practice, national and international evidence shows that collaborative care planning between service users, carers and professionals is consistently inadequate, with many service users feeling marginalised in the process. We conducted a series of focus groups and interviews with service users, carers and mental health professionals, to explore perspectives on current care planning practices, and subsequently published three articles detailing service user perspectives, carer perspectives and health professional perspectives00230-8/fulltext) . Service users identified a number of key elements essential for successful user-involved care planning, including establishing a connection between service user and clinician, achieving a demonstrable contribution to the care plan, and the need to nurture service user confidence to contribute to the process. Carers identified a desire for involvement, but highlighted a lack of recognition and appreciation of their role from health professionals. We have created an animation detailing carers’ perspectives in care planning which you can view here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmC-nK3ERc4 . Evaluation of health professional perspectives highlighted barriers to service user involved care planning in other areas, such as workload, resource pressures, and difficulties balancing involvement with risk management. The variety in perspectives between groups alone demonstrates a clear need for improvement in this area, with current policy failing to translate into practice. We have created an animation detailing the 10 C’s for meaningful service user involvement in care planning (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DgxFpcT1VU), which we believe provides a clear structure for future practice improvement.

">Science Ama Series: We are a team of researchers from the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham, UK, working on a 5 year program to enhance the quality of care planning in mental health services. AMA

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